At our provision we provide a high standard of safety whilst using tools with adult supervision. Children will take a term to settle in and get to know the environment as well as the staff before using tools.
Children work towards being safe and feeling confident in tool handling and learning to stay safe around the fire. One most important thing is remembering what equipment we need whilst the fire is lit.
The children gain confidence and enjoy taking on the responsibility of putting the fire out. When the children have been with us for a long period of time they have the opportunity to light their own fire.
Using tools in our setting will be highly beneficial to the children. They will learn how to build trust with other children and adults; learn the responsibility of using tools safety; to learn life skills; and also involves the curriculum. Tool activities are carried out in small groups and also with full adult supervision. The activities that will be carried out will be age appropriate for your child.
Some of the tools we will use are:
• Scissors
• Bowsaw
• Knives (including: butter knife, Opinel knife, sheath knife)
• Bradawl
• Potato peeler
• Wooden mallet
• Billhook
Having a fire is good for all year round where children can get involved with preparing hot meals and cooking activities.
Throughout the winter months we cook porridge for our breakfast and prepare warm milk or hot chocolate round the fire whilst a hot lunch is being prepared.
In the summer our holiday club children are asked by our educators to think of what they would like to have a go at cooking on the fire.
All our ingredients are freshly prepared and we make use of our mini allotment!
Under the supervision of a qualified Forest School Leader, children will be able to practice lighting their own fire, which is a wonderful achievement for a child.